24 - two concurrent miscarriages. High NK cells. Pregnant again?


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Oct 29, 2014 at 4:45pm
Hi Dr Braverman, I am 24. I have had two back to back miscarriages this year. Both were missed miscarriages. One at 9 weeks the other at 11. My second pregnancy was conceived in the first cycle after my d&c. I have had testing done by my specialist which has revealed I have both a very high ovarian reserve of 92% and high NK cells at 19.6%.

Both of my pregnancies were conceived naturally and from the first "try" so to speak. My specialist has stated he doesn't think using steroids is a good idea for me. He has only cited my age? I have a history of anxiety and panic disorder. I understand steroids can cause havoc with emotions so I also feel like they aren't really an option at this stage. Instead my specialist has stated he wishes to use vaginal progesterone pessaries when I get pregnant. I'm worried this won't be enough? Are there any positive statistics on progesterone's ability to control high NK cells?

After two miscarriages so close I wanted to put some time between my last d&c in August and getting pregnant a third time. We were planning on trying again in the New Year. In the mean time I have been trying to find natural ways of lowering my NK cells. I have been taking 4 x high strength 1500mg fish oil tablets daily as I read a study about how high doses of EPA lower NK cells. I've also been taking 1000iu vitamin d3 (I've been extremely low in the past), 1000mcg of b12, 5mg of folic acid, 600mg of magnesium, 50mg of b6 and 1gram of vit c. Am I overdoing it? Especially as I now feel I may be pregnant a third time, albeit only 1 week along. For anxiety I am also taking a 500mg Gaba supplement along with 500mg of Taurine. Is this safe to keep taking?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and reply :)

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: 24 - two concurrent miscarriages. High NK cells. Pregnant again? Posted on: Nov 3, 2014 at 11:08am
You are doing okay with self medicating and I agree with what you are using. But at this point you need a complete immune workup , NK cells are just a fraction (see our Diagnositc Testing page on the website)

Feel free to fill out a consult request and we can schedule a free 10 minute consult to discuss your case.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.