3 questions


33 Posts
Reply Posted on: Aug 29, 2014 at 2:53am
Hello Dr Braverman,

Question: I would like to know if a lot of intralipid infusions and high doses of steroidscan take care of TH1/TH2 CYTOKINE RATIO problem as I cannot get anyone to prescribe Enbrel, Humira, etc. OR is there something else that will work jsut as well?

Question: What can you do if you cannot afford IVIG?

Question: What can you do if you cannot afford neupogen? Also, do you only use this with people with endo or with other conditions as well? IF so, what conditions please.
Thanks in advance!

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: 3 questions Posted on: Sep 2, 2014 at 2:27pm
the simple Th1/TH2 ratios are not enough to make any decisions on treatment(please see my Diagnostice Testing Page) . Best would be to fill out a consult request and we can schedule a free 10 minute chat to discuss your case. Desicions on all the above treatments should only be made once you have a diagnosis, these medicaitons are not interchangeable.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.