Hashimotos, Vitiligo and Epstein Barr : do I need special treatment prior to IVF?


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Mar 31, 2016 at 1:19pm

I am struggling with infertility. Have been trying for 2 years although my cycles are very irregular and ovulation happens very late, often day 28. I have had 4 stimulated cyckles and IUI with no positive pregnancy. I have Hashimotos, Vitiligio, Psoraris, Eczema and slight Insulin Resistance. I am treating all my conditions holistically by fixing nutritional defficiencies, lifestyle and diet changes. My hormones seem fine (recently Estradiol a bit low on day 3), no endometriosis or PCOS, great lining, low blood sugars, great levels of Ferritine, B12, Folate, Insulin and Homocysteine. Good FT4, FT3 within norm but still working on bringing it to the optimum level. TPO and TG antibodies at 240 and 320 respectively (TPO down from 1500). Ana 1/160 and EBV present. Given my multiple AID, I was suspecting deeper issues, so have recently done an Immune Panel. Most results came back in norm, with CD3+CD4+CD8+/CD45+ Lymph T Help/Suppr low at 0.4 and then the following elevated:HLA-DR - Total CD4+ T Lymphs: 5.4 (1-4)

CD8 / HLA-DR - Total CD8+ Lymphs 18.5 (0-7)

IL2R / CD4+ T Lymphs 21.3 (8-20)

APA Low, Nk within norm and no MTHFR mutation. I have been reading however that elevated CD8 could carry a risk of miscarriage. My Immunologist recommended baby Aspirin, Heparin and Intralipds during IVF but I am looking for a second opinion as I would like to avoid additional medicine as long as its not needed due to the fact that I am working on fixing my gut flora issues and am scared of worsening my auto-immune conditions.Is this something you would be willing to give me advice on? I am planning to attempt IVF on my own cycle first and not sure if I need specialist immune treatment from start, having only had suspicions that Immunity could be at heart of my problems getting pregnant.

Thank you in advance!


Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Hashimotos, Vitiligo and Epstein Barr : do I need special treatment prior to IVF? Posted on: Mar 31, 2016 at 1:22pm
you need more detailed testing to make a correct diagnosis. Your therapy at this point is being prescribed without complete knowledge of your condition. Feel free to fill out a consult form on our website and we can schedule a free SKYPE or telephone consult , so I can discuss your case in more detail.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.