Heterozygous MTHFR


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jun 5, 2012 at 3:02pm
Hi Dr. Braverman,

I am 36, with a history of 2 miscarriages (8 weeks and 5 1/2) weeks using clomid/timed intercourse and IUI. Testing on second miscarriage revealed it was a tetraploidy. I have PCO. I've done three cycles of IVF with PGD with an army of eggs (46, 40, 34) that result in a few poor quality embryos being transferred or none at all making it to even be tested. I no longer am trying with my own eggs and have moved on to donor eggs and will hopefully be started my cycle. Just tested with one copy of MTHFR mutation. Doctor recommends baby aspirin after transfer. Do you agree or do you think I should also be on folic acid and b-vitamains? Lovenox?

thanks so much in advance.


Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Heterozygous MTHFR Posted on: Jun 6, 2012 at 11:01am
Hi Jodi, PCOS cases are very complex sometimes requiring adjustments in the endocrine, immune, and thrombophilic systems. To advise you correclty I would have to see all of this information. At a minimum you should be on metformin then the other issues would depend on testing that we would perform. I am not sure you need an egg donor based on your history. If you live in NY we can consult about this , otherwise it might be woth your time to come to NYC for an in person consulations so I can determine if you can get pregnant with your own eggs( I have done this many times with PCOS patients that were thought to need donor egg).
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.