LIT for secondary RPL


2 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jun 27, 2016 at 1:37am
Hi Dr. Braverman. I've read your explanation of LAD and from my understanding, a negative LAD for secondary RPL is normal. Is there any indication that would require LIT to treat secondary RPL then? Or would it lead to a worse outcome if LIT is done and thus raising the anti HLA antibodies?

I live in the Philippines and the only test they do here is LAT or Lymphocyte Antibody Test, which tests for HLA Class I and HLA Class II antigen and in both cases, I had a negative reaction pattern (7% and 5% PRA respectively). I don't know if it's correct to assume this is the same as having a negative LAD, since the doctors here suggest LIT with a negative LAT result. I have repeatedly refused LIT because I had the same LAT results with my son and I was able to carry him to term.

After 3 consecutive miscarriages following the birth of my son (I also had 1 miscarriage before he was born), my immunologist suggested a tissue cross match test (with my husband as donor, and me as the recipient). My results were negative. I'm not sure if this is a reliable test since I don't really see it in any of your discussions, but my Dr. told me that my results should have been positive because I've been pregnant many times. (Am currently waiting to naturally miscarry as my baby's heart stopped at 8 weeks 1 day) He mentioned that having a negative result is an indication for LIT. I'm just wondering if it would be help or hurt to get the LIT treatment for secondary RPL since you mentioned that it is normal to have no anti-paternal antibodies after a live birth. I wouldn't want to make things worse.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: LIT for secondary RPL Posted on: Jun 27, 2016 at 6:09am
LIT is unlikely to be of any benefit to you. I would suggest first doing a complete immune workup and getting a full diagnosis , then the correct treatment can be offered. Looking at one isolated area , incorrectly at that , is of no use. We have been able to get blood from the Phillipines and I suggest you work with us so I can help you. Do not do the LIT we have found no evidence it works. Why not fill out a consult request form from our website and we will schedule a free consult by SKYPE to review your case in detail
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.


2 Posts
Reply RE: LIT for secondary RPL Posted on: Jun 28, 2016 at 6:05pm
Thank you for your reply. Will consider my options as the costs of diagnostic testing in the US may be prohibitive.