sclerodermia/coagulation - live baby lost at 17 weeks


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jul 12, 2012 at 9:38am
Afer 7 failed ivf with my eggs, i got pregnant with an egg donation. At 13 weeks i had some bleeding that stopped and at 16 weeks the bleeding never stopped, followed by contractions and the birth of my baby at 17 w 3d.

I have factor II and V and was on Fragmin (5000ui/d) and aspirin
I have been diagnosed with light sclerodermia (Raynaud, ANA: 1/1280)

These are the info i have 2 days before giving birth:
C4 decrease
GGT 116
ALT 80
AST 39
JDH 140
(all back to normal now)

Is there something that can be done to prevent this for happening again if I were to get pregannt again?

Thank you

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: sclerodermia/coagulation - live baby lost at 17 weeks Posted on: Jul 12, 2012 at 9:49am
I am very sorry for your loss. Yes if this was due to the coagulation defects the fragmin should have(not always) prevented this. I suspect there was improper implantaton due to your autoimmune issues which may require other therapy. Please feel free to call me if you would like my help . Good luck.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.