3 MC's - NK Cells & DNA Frag- Advice please


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Jun 20, 2017 at 12:22pm
Hi Dr Braverman,

A quick synopsis of my situation. Im 34, husband is 33.

I have regular cycles apart from I used to have spotting a few days before my periods. After my first miscarriage I was prescribed progesterone to be used from ovulation day each month.

Our first pregnancy was in Sept 2016. It was our first month trying. Faint positive on day of missed period and then spotting which turned into miscarriage.

Second pregnancy January 2017. Simiar to the one above, where spotting started a few days after missed period and the test line was also faint. This month however I had a very early positive OPK (day 8) as opposed to my other months (usually day 11-12).

Third pregnancy February 2017. So we got pregnant the month directly following the previous miscarriage. This pregnancy blood HCG levels measured strongly. We were scheduled for an early scan at 7 weeks. Scan showed empty sac, we repeated the scan a week later and it was still empty. D&C done and products were sent for analysis. These showed a triploid pregnancy. During this pregnancy I never spotted or bled, we only knew of the miscarriage because of the scans.

5 weeks after the the D&C I had multiple blood tests done. Karyotype on both my husband and I are normal. Hormones all normal, Full thrombophilia, and MTHFR all normal. NK Cells 50:1 were raised at 24% and my husbands DNA Fragmentation was 34%. I was advised steroids (prednisone) would be the best option to lower the NK cells. The assay showed that prednisone would bring it down to 12% while intralipids would bring it down to 13%. I have no history of autoimmune diseases or health issues nor does anyone in my family.

I guess we'd like your opinion on:

1- Your general thoughts on our situation. Do you think the first two miscarriages were NK cell attributed or do you think the DNA fragmentation could have more to do with it, or neither? Cant DNA frag and NK levels change all the time / or every couple of months?

2- What would your advice be on the next stage of testing or treatment?

3- Do you believe my NK Cells are significantly high and justify treatment? as Ive read in some places that up to 30% could be normal.

4- Are there any other ways to lower NK Cells without using steroid? (Natural remedies etc.)

Your advice on this would be GREATLY appreciated as we feel we are hearing so many varying opinions.

Thank you!

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: 3 MC's - NK Cells & DNA Frag- Advice please Posted on: Jun 20, 2017 at 12:32pm
you likely have immune issues, but NK cells are not the cause. You need a complete immune analysis to determine the most likley cause of these losses. I suggest you fill out a consult form on my website and we can schedule a free telephone or SKYPE consult to review your case in detail and we can guide you on the proper testing.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.