Endometrial scratch, probiotics and thrush


4 Posts
Reply Posted on: Feb 9, 2016 at 7:54am
Dear Dr Braverman,

I have high levels of cytokines (TNFa) and killer cells. I am being treated by two clinics - one to do ICSI and the other for the immune issues. The one that is doing the ICSI (which doesn't believe that immune issues affect fertility) has suggested that I have an endometrial scratch prior to the cycle. Is this a good idea or will it set my cytokines and killer cells off in the wrong, ie, upward direction?

Also, I am currently dealing with recurring thrush (as of a few months), which I have tried and failed to treat with various Canesten products and am now hoping that strong probiotics will help. Although I know this is not a healthy state to be in, does this affect fertility? Do probiotics make killer cells and cytokines worse? I have taken VSL3 for many years (due to candida in GI, but never had thrush) and before and during my first successful ICSI pregnancy, but as it doesn't seem to be helping much, I have just changed to saccharomyces boulardii and Prescript Assist, in the hope they might knock it on the head. Thank you for any advice.

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Endometrial scratch, probiotics and thrush Posted on: Feb 9, 2016 at 8:00am
Firstly , high cytokines is not defined by just TNF and killer cells by themselves do not make a diagnosis, therefore recommending any therapy on such limited information is really paramount to just guessing. With that said if the question is does a heightened immune system interfere with the scratch test, I would say yes and would avoid it. as for the thrush I would want a carefull look again at your immune system before commenting . Not sure either clinic you are with are experts in immunology , but sounds like you need this prior to any transfers.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.