How Do We Treat Inflammatory Diseases in Pregnancy That Could be Linked to Autism?

Posted By Braverman IVF & Reproductive Immunology || 26-Sep-2012

This month there has been a lot of focus on inflammatory diseases during pregnancy and the possibility that they are linked to autism. What does this mean for you if you have an inflammatory disease such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac disease, or one of the countless other autoimmune diseases? The first thing to remember is that scientists and doctors are working tirelessly to understand the effects of these diseases. It is in specialized medical practices like ours that we are finding the data that is needed for the epidemiology studies to make a definitive correlation between inflammatory diseases and autism. These studies can take years to collect enough data, but where the data does seem to be pointing right now is towards a link between the two. There are some guidelines that you can follow if you are planning on becoming pregnant and have concerns about autism.

At Braverman IVF & Reproductive Immunology, we recommend that you have a screening if you have any of the following conditions:

  • A child that is on the autism spectrum or showing delays in development
  • A sibling or family member that is on the autism spectrum
  • Recurrent pregnancy losses and/or failed IVF cycles
  • If you have an autoimmune disease (MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.)

Why Choose Our Reproductive Immunology Center?

At our practice, the only reproductive immunology center in New York State, to date, to have been authorized to use "reproductive" and "immunology" in its name, we specialize in studying the immune system and its relationship to pregnancy. We are all-too-familiar with doing immunological screenings. Over the past 20 years, we have developed our own immune panel testing to help us pinpoint and treat the underlying conditions that adversely affect pregnancy. We have expanded our immune panels over the past few years to include screening for the markers that we believe are underlying factors in causing autism. If you have questions or want to learn more please contact our office of visit us on our discussion forum.

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