Lovenox and SCH; Flu Shot Timing


1 Posts
Reply Posted on: Sep 23, 2012 at 5:45pm
Hi Dr. Braverman,

I have read conflicting things about the use of Lovenox in the first trimester for recurrent implantation failure. At prophylactic doses, can Lovenox cause or worsen subchorionic hematomas, or conversely, does it actually prevent the development of SCH by preventing clotting?

For patients that develop a SCH while on Lovenox, do you generally continue baby ASA and/or Lovenox or stop them? (Assuming no serious underlying thrombophilia, just recurrent implantation failure.)

Also, is receiving a flu shot 3-4 weeks prior to a FET advisable or will it activate the immune system enough to possibly lead to failed implantation or embryo rejection?

Thanks so much!

Dr. Braverman

2026 Posts
RE: Lovenox and SCH; Flu Shot Timing Posted on: Sep 23, 2012 at 8:31pm
Please understand without knowing your case I have to advise you follow the advice of your doctors. In my practice I continue the lovenox and stop the baby aspirin. But much depends on the reasons for the lovenox and the concern I would have if I stopped it all together.
I generally do not advise flu vaccines until the second trimester so there is no inlfammatory response during the implantation perioid.
Braverman Medical Team
Braverman Reproductive Immunology P.C.